Monica Tranel


Last updated August 22nd, 2024 at 10:34pm GMT.


Voters will be reminded that Monica Tranel is a radical Missoula liberal who supports Men in girls sports and the Biden/Harris agenda including banning fossil fuels.



Voter Registration Deadline Regular registration closes 30 days before the election (Oct. 7th) however you can still register and vote in the election by late registration at your county election office or designated location until noon the day prior to the election.
Early In-Person Voting Begins October 7
Mail Ballots Drop October 11th
AB Deadline Return Must be received by 8 PM on Nov. 5th


Tranel B-roll

  • “What we have to do is we have to stop using carbon now.” youtube
  • “The building industry definitely has to get on board and get behind a zero-carbon emission policy” dropbox
  • Tranel speaks about fundraising, and at one point says, “So, we need your money…”: YouTube
  • Tranel says, “The danger we face is not Ryan Zinke”: YouTube
  • Tranel says, “Biden Tranel”: YouTube
  • Host discusses Tranel’s support for Inflation Reduction Act and says Tranel “called for ending fossil fuel subsidies on public lands” and wants to move “away from oil and gas.” HOST: “Another place that really was highlighted to me was energy and climate change. Tranel praised the Inflation Reduction Act that recently became law, she said she likes the subsidies in there for adding solar arrays onto rooftops. She said she wants to see Montana capitalize on tapping wind energy to sell to major cities across the West. She also called for ending fossil fuel subsidies on public lands. Said she wants to see things like electric vehicle charging stations across the state. Moving away from oil and gas. Normalizing driving electric cars.” YouTube
  • Hosts say Tranel has an “aggressive style, even a kind of angry style.” HOST: “Rob, Tranel was clearly the aggressor in that forum, repeatedly challenging Zinke and even at one point grabbing the mic out of his hand. And many of her diehard supporters applaud that approach. But I wonder how it plays with independents or others who haven’t maybe yet made up their minds in this race.”
    • HOST 2: “That’s right, Sally. She certainly did have an aggressive style, even a kind of angry style at times. Now, of course, when we’re talking about fence sitters, there are a lot fewer people on the fence than there were, say, a decade ago. And that’s a major change in Montana politics. And it creates, among other things, a narrower path for Democrats. But even so, swing voters and ticket splitters haven’t totally disappeared. And for Tranel to have a shot, she’s going to need a twofer: a big turnout from the Democratic base and the vast majority of voters who are still open to supporting candidates from both parties. And I think you’re right. For the base, dusting it up with Zinke and getting a little aggressive is fine, probably even a plus. But I do think that at least some Democrats worried after that debate, that just as a matter of optics, Tranel leaned into that aggressive, angry style a bit too much, concerned that that doesn’t play well with voters on the fence. You know, sometimes a lighter touch can be more effective. And we actually see that side of her in her ads, but it wasn’t really as much on display in that debate.” YouTube


"I want to End Fossil Fuel"


"So I support Medicare for all"


"We have to reject the fossil fuel industry"


Shutting Down the border will not reduce the fentanyl crisis


We will normalize driving electric cars


"Proud Progressive Thinking"


We can get to a zero-carbon world


I support restorative justice


Supporting passage of Inflation Reduction Act



Current Cycle

Sold Out











  • Ryan Zinke believes when it comes to competitive sports, men should compete against men & women should compete against women. Period. In Congress, Zinke is working to repeal Biden’s policy that allows males to compete in girls’ sports & share girl’s locker rooms.
  • Ryan Zinke says public lands should stay in public hands. That’s why he wrote legislation to block the sale or transfer of federal public lands.
  • Ryan Zinke says if you’re able bodied, you should work, and he has a plan to invest in skilled trades and apprenticeships to bolster our economy and provide good Montana jobs.
  • Zinke says Biden’s soft-on-China policies put our economic and domestic security at risk. He says defeating China economically and making us secure at home starts with reducing our soaring national debt and kicking the Chinese Communist Party out of our farmland and skies.

Ryan Zinke is a fifth generation Montanan who has dedicated his life to serving our great nation and state. Ryan was born in Bozeman and raised in Whitefish on the same property his family has lived for four generations and where he and his wife and oldest son still live today. In high school, Ryan served as class president and was a multiple sport, All-State standout athlete who earned a place in the Whitefish High School Football Hall of Fame.

Ryan is a decorated U.S. Navy SEAL officer serving multiple deployments Iraq and overseas and eventually being selected to SEAL Team SIX where he was a Team Leader, Ground Force Commander, Task Force Commander and Current Operations Officer in support of National Command Authority missions. Ryan Zinke’s lifelong service to Montana led him to serving in the State Senate and being elected as Montana’s congressman in 2014. President Trump nominated Ryan to serve again as the Secretary of Interior where under Zinke’s leadership and policy agenda, America became the world’s largest producer of energy, and gas was about two bucks a gallon. If elected, Zinke will bring back those energy policies and put Montana first.


Zinke B-Roll

